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«The Licentiate is the academic degree by which the Faculty attests that the one upon whom this degree is conferred has taken in-depth and specialized courses in the areas determined by the Faculty, has passed the examinations in these areas, has been introduced to a scientific method of research, and has given evidence of competence by writing a dissertation».

Pre-requisite for admission

1. The canonical degree of Bachelor in Sacred Theology. - Those lacking this degree may be admitted if their academic documentation indicates they have had an equivalent preparation.

Students who do not have a baccalaureate degree in theology (but have done a six-year philosophico-theological curriculum in a seminary or in another duly approved higher institute [cfr. «Veritatis Gaudium», Norme applicative, art. 59] may be enrolled as ordinari if their theological studies are recognized by the Dean of the Biblical Faculty as equivalent to the curriculum required for that degree. Whoever wishes to request this recognition is required to present the following documentation: 1) a complete transcript for the courses and corresponding grades in both philosophy and theology; 2) a program indicating the courses followed in both philosophy and theology, together with the number of semester hours for each course and the name of the professor.
It can be a matter of significant importance if the first cycle courses ended or not with a “comprehensive examination or the equivalent” («Veritatis Gaudium», Norme applicative, art. 58).

All candidates are urged to obtain a baccalaureate degree in theology before beginning studies at the Biblical Institute. This degree may be obtained in one of the theological faculties of the Roman ecclesiastical institutions or elsewhere.


Applicants who live outside the European Union need a student visa for entrance to Italy. This student visa is normally granted only on presentation of a letter of admission from the institution in Italy where they are to study. Hence applicants for admission to the Pontifical Biblical Institute should apply some months before, sending their documentation (see below, 1. and 2.). The Institute will then send a letter of admission which is to be presented in an Italian consulate in the country where the applicant lives.


All applicants must complete enrolment procedures in person in the office of the Secretary General (entrance: Piazza della Pilotta 35) during the period September 20 - October 13 (if possible, by October 03). They are to bring:

  1. Authentic documentation (diploma or certificate) of S.T.B. [Bachelor in Sacred Theology] (See above, «Pre-requisites for admission»), and a complete transcript of the philosophico-theological curriculum.
    [Photocopies will be accepted only if authenticated or accompained by the original]
  2. Letter of presentation or recommendation. Clerics and religious, from their ecclesiastical superior; lay persons, from an ecclesiastical authority.
    For laymen or laywomen coming from countries which do not belong to the Treaty of Schenghen (i.e., non from the European Community) a letter of presentation of the Ordinary of their diocese as well as documentation regarding the payment of their both academic and non-academic (e.g., food and lodging, health insurance).
  3. Application form [to be filled out and sent via web]. Alternatively, request a hard copy in Sec retary’s office.
  4. 2 (two) passport-size photographs.
  5. Fees: The academic fees vary according to the number of credits (ECTS) of the courses taken by the student; 1 ECTS = Euro 60,00 (see «Academic Fees»). Student who takes both introductory Greek and Hebrew (15 ECTS for Greek + 15 ECTS for Hebrew) has to pay: 30 x 60 = 1800 €uro.
  6. Photocopy of the page from their passport (or document of identification from a country within the European Union) on which is recorded their complete and legal name. If a residence permit («soggiorno») is required, a photocopy of this must be given to the Secretariat.

After matriculation in the Secretariat, all new students registering for the Licentiate in Sacred Scripture have to meet the Dean of the Biblical Faculty, Fr. P. Henry Pattarumadathil, S.J.
Dean’s office hours: 10:00 - 12:00.

Residence in Rome

All enrolled in the curriculum must reside in Rome. The Institute does not provide lodging nor arrange for lodging nor give grants for lodging. Each student is responsible for arranging personal living accommodation.

According to the norms of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, clerics not of the diocese of Rome must live in Colleges or Institutes listed in the Annuario Pontificio. Otherwise they need a special permission of the "Vicariato di Roma" (the permission is granted only on request by the bishop of the student).