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CANDIDO, Dionisio – PESSOA DA SILVA PINTO, Leonardo (eds.)

A Necessary Task.
Essays on Textual Criticism of the Old Testament in Memory of Stephen Pisano

2020, pp. 296.

This volume gathers thirteen essays offered in honor of Stephen Pisano (1946-2019), Jesuit and professor of Textual Criticism at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. The contributions come from his peers, renowned scholars of Textual Criticism, who address specific text-critical problems in various biblical books. The reader is offered the chance to peek into the text-critics’ workshop and admire the complexity and subtlety of their work. Much more than a simple necessary task, Textual Criticism is fundamental to the biblical enterprise and is a lively and stimulating discipline.

Dionisio Candido defended his doctoral dissertation, I testi del libro di Ester,il caso dell’«introitus», at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome. His interests are OT Textual Criticism, Biblical Methodology, and the ancient versionsof the OT, in particular Septuagint and Vetus Latina.

Leonardo Pessoa Da Silva Pinto defended his doctoral dissertation, Different Literary Editions in 2 Samuel 10-12, at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, in 2016. His interests are OT Textual Criticism, Septuagint Studies and the interpretation of the Books of Samuel.