logo and writing

(according to section of the curriculum ad Licentiam)

The language of instruction of the course is the same as that of the title.
Courses meet for two hours per week (hrs/wk), unless noted otherwise.
I sem.: = First semester (October to mid-February)
II sem.: = Second semester (mid-February to June)


Introductory courses[1 semester course = 15 ECTS]

  • GP1107 Greco I-II (5 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Luca PEDROLI
  • GP2109 Greek I-II (5 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Clifard Sunil RANJAR
  • GP1207 Greco III-IV (5 h. sett. – II sem.): Prof. Luca PEDROLI
  • GP2210 Greek III-IV (5 h. sett. – II sem.): Prof. Dean BÉCHARD
  • HP1110 Ebraico I-II (5 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO
  • HP2113 Hebrew I-II (5 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO
  • HP1210 Ebraico III-IV (5 h. sett. – II sem.): Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO
  • HP2213 Hebrew III-IV (5 h. sett. – II sem.): Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO

Advanced courses [each course = 5 ECTS]

  • GA1107 Greco del NT, A (3 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Dean BÉCHARD
  • GA2105 NT Greek, A (3 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Dean BÉCHARD
  • GB1210 Greco del NT, B (II sem.): Prof. Dean BÉCHARD
  • GB2205 NT Greek, B (II sem.): Prof. Dean BÉCHARD
  • HA1109 Lingua ebraico biblica, A (3 h. sett. – I sem.) Paola MOLLO
  • HA2111 Biblical Hebrew, A (3 h. sett. – I sem.): Prof. Paola MOLLO
  • HB1210 Lingua ebraico biblica, B (II sem.): Prof. Paola MOLLO
  • HB2211 Biblical Hebrew, B (II sem.): Prof. Paola MOLLO
  • HC1102 Ebraico biblico, C (II sem.): Prof. Agustinus GIANTO
  • HC2202 Hebrew, C (II sem.): Prof. Agustinus GIANTO
  • AB1107 Aramaico biblico (I sem.): Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO
  • OX1106 Greco della LXX, A (I sem.): Prof. Daniela SCIALABBA
  • OX2206 Greco della LXX, B (II sem.): Prof. Daniela SCIALABBA
  • DS2103 Filologia greca, A (II sem.): Prof. Enrico CERRONI
  • DS2204 Filologia greca, B (II sem.): Prof. Michele NAPOLITANO

[ For other language courses, see.Oriental Faculty]


Archaeology and Geography

  • PA1207 Archeologia e geografia del Vicino Oriente Antico (II sem.:): (Prof.: Ida OGGIANO

Textual Criticism

  • CT1103 Critica testuale dell’AT e del NT (I sem.): (Prof.: Leonardo PESSOA
  • CT1204 Textual Criticism of the OT and NT (II sem.): (Prof.: Leonardo PESSOA


  • MI1109 Questioni peculiari di ermeneutica: AT e NT(I sem.): Prof. Massimo GRILLI
  • MI1210 Biblical Hermeneutics: A Lonergan Approach(II sem.): Prof.: Gerard K. WHELAN

History of the Old Testament

  • RV1136 Storia dell’antico Israele (XIII– V s. a.C.) (II sem.): Prof. Peter DUBOVSKÝ – Agustinus GIANTO
  • RV1231 Il contesto dell’AT: storia e religione (II sem.): Prof.: Paolo MERLO

History of the New Testament

  • RN1129 Il contesto greco-romano del Nuovo Testamento(I sem.): Prof. Paolo COSTA
  • RN2226 The First Century Context of the New Testament (II sem.): Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA


I semester

  • IV1121 Introduzione alla Settanta e alle Versioni Latine dell'AT (Prof. Daniela SCIALABBA)
  • EV2141 Mosè: il condottiero, il legislatore e l’intercessore di Israele (Prof. Federico GIUNTOLI)
  • EV3148 King David and the Invention of the Human: (Prof.Craig MORRISON)
  • EV4146 Geremia in dialogo. Esegesi di passi scelti: (Ger 30–33) (Prof. Benedetta ROSSI)
  • EV4157 The Stories of Daniel: "Advising the Conqueror" (Prof. Daniel SMITH-CHRISTOPHER)
  • EV5151 Job’s Final Stance before YHWH: (Prof. An Gia CAO)
  • TV1118 «Hearing the Bible in three different keys»: (Prof. Peter DUBOVSKÝ – AL.)
  • IN2105 Introduzione ai vangeli sinottici: (Prof. Marc RASTOIN)
  • EN2166 Marco e l’inizio del Vangelo (Mc 1,1-15): (Prof. Francesco FILANNINO)
  • EN2159 The Prophet in Galilee (Luke 4–9): Prof. Sunil Clifard RANJAR
  • EN3142 John 7–10: Sukkoth and Hanukkah festivals : Prof. Michel Segatagara KAMAMZI
  • EN5130 Lettera ai Romani (5–8): (Prof. Juan Manuel GRANADOS)
  • EN5127 Letters to Timothy and Titus:(Prof. Philip TOWNER)
  • EN8130 Tra πόρνη e νύμφη: l’enigma di Apocalisse: (Prof. Luca PEDROLI)
  • DS2103 Filologia greca, A (Prof. Enrico CERRONI)

II semester

  • IV1219 Introduzione alla letteratura deuteronomistica: (Prof. Leonardo PESSOA)
  • EV2238 Giuseppe e i suoi fratelli (Gn 37,2–50,26): (Prof. Federico GIUNTOLI)
  • EV2255 Il codice deuteronomico (Dt 12–26): (Prof. Benedetta ROSSI)
  • EV3245 Divine and Human Violence in the Book of Joshua (Josh. 1–12) and the ANE: (Prof. Paul BÉRÉ)
  • EV3246 La Bibbia e l’impero Neo-Assiro: (Prof. Peter DUBOVSKÝ)
  • EV4256 Micah 4–7: (Prof. Dominic S. IRUDAYARAJ)
  • EV4257 The Book of Psalms : (Prof. Harry P. NASUTI)
  • IN3201 Introduction to Johannine Literature: (Prof. Michel Segatagara KAMANZI)
  • EN2260 Matthew and the Creation of Christ-Movement Identity: (Prof. Philip F. ESLER)
  • EN3246 Gv 15-17: secondo discorso d'addio e ultima preghiera: (Prof. Maurizio MARCHESELLI)
  • EN4222 Paolo a processo (At 21-26). Storia, diritto, redazione e racconto: (Prof. Paolo COSTA)
  • EN5228 Lettera ai Colossesi (2–3): (Prof. Juan Manuel GRANADOS)
  • TN2218 Esegesi patristica delle parabole: l’attesa escatologica: (Prof. José Luis NARVAJA)
  • IV1221 Introduction to the Study of Language: (Prof. Agustinus GIANTO)
  • DS2204 Filologia greca, B: (Prof. Michele NAPOLITANO)

Corsi tenuti al Pontificio Istituto Biblico di Gerusalemme

I semester

  • JERGA9 New Testament Greek, A (Prof. Jaroslav MUDRON)
  • JERHA1 Biblical Hebrew, A: (Prof. Steve FASSBERG)
  • JERHB1 Biblical Hebrew, B: (Prof. Steve FASSBERG)
  • JERPA1 Archaeology and Historical Geography of the Bible: (Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA)
  • SA1132 The Book of the Twelve and Archaeology: (Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA)
  • JERIV1 Inscriptions, sites and context: First Temple: Period(Introduzione AT – in collaborazione con Noam Mizrahi [Hebrew University]): (Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA)

During the summer

  • PA-TS2 Archeologia e geografia in Terra Santa (dal 2 al 28 settembre 2024): Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA
  • DS2205 Excavation in the southern Levant: >Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA

From other Pontifical Academic Institutions in Rome

According to an agreement with some Pontifical Institutes of Rome (Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology / Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies) students can follow some courses of their academic program, recognized by the Dean as valid for the spcialistic section of the curriculum ad Licentiam.

Interested students must submit their request to the Dean for approval.


  • SM0103/SM0203 Seminario di metodologia (I e II sem.): Prof.: Proff. Paul BÉRÉ, Henry PATTARUMADATHIL and coll.[3 ECTS]

I semestre

  • SV2115 Metodologie per lo studio esegetico del Pentateuco (Prof. Federico GIUNTOLI)
  • SV4144 Isaiah and Violence Metodologie per lo studio esegetico del Pentateuco (Prof. Dominic IRUDAYARAJ)
  • SV5142 Genesi e fenomenologia dell’immaginario apocalittico (Prof. Luigi SANTOPAOLO)
  • SN2140 The Sermon on the Mount (Prof. Henry PATTARUMADATHIL)
  • SN3116 I personaggi del quarto Vangelo (Prof. Michel Segatagara KAMANZI)
  • SN5123 Metodologia dell’esegesi Paolina (Prof. Juan Manuel GRANADOS)
  • SA1132 The Book of the Twelve and Archaeology (Prof. Josef Mario BRIFFA – AL.)

II semestre

  • SV1233 Il metodo storico-critico (Prof. Peter DUBOVSKÝ)
  • SV4237 Metodologia per lo studio dei libri profetici (Prof. Benedetta ROSSI)
  • SV4244 Prophets and Social Justice (Prof. Dominic IRUDAYARAJ)
  • SN2246 Exegetical methods for the study of the Synoptic Gospels (Prof. Henry PATTARUMADATHIL)
  • SN4217 Metodologie esegetiche per lo studio degli Atti degli Apostoli (Prof. Paolo COSTA)
  • SV1232 «Discourse Analysis» (Prof. Paola MOLLO)

(*) Each seminar has 5 ECTS. The seminar paper has 10 ECTS