A Guide to Biblical Research
Third edition revised and enlarged, 2016, pp. XXII+321.The present volume presents important and useful information to students doing exegetical research in Sacred Scripture.
A Guide is arranged in six chapters, of which the first three endeavor to respond to students' questions regarding the primary sources of the biblical bibliographical research tools (chapter two), and reference works such as concordances, synopses, lexicons, and grammars (chapter three).
Particular attention is given to biblical literary types (chapter four), followed by some suggestions for organizing the writing of an exegetical study (chapter five). Finally, practical rules are provided on how to make accurate bibliographic citations in footnotes and the bibliography (chapter six).
This third edition has been update and improved. IATG3 abbreviations have been adopted, and A Guide has been expanded with 40 pages of new sections that include introductions to the whole Bible, Biblical Archaeology, writings by Philo and by Flavius Josephus, and The Cairo Genizah.
Stanislaw BAZYLINSKI, O.F.M.Conv., is a professor at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure in Rome, and a guest professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. He is the author of I salmi 20-21 nel contest delle preghiere regali (Roma 1999); Guida alla ricerca biblica (Roma 2004, 2005, 2009, 2016), translated into Spanish (2006); Wprowadzenie do studium Pisma Swietego (Lublin 2010); Il giusto affronta l’ingiustizia (Roma 2013).