All applicants must complete enrolment procedures in person in the office of the Secretary of the Institute (entrance: Piazza della Pilotta 35) during the period September 23 - October 18 (if possible, by October 3). Please make an appointment before coming (pibsegr@biblico.it).
Required documents:
- Application form [to be filled out and sent via web]. Please, send the form before coming to the Secretariat.
- Authentic documentation (diploma or certificate) of S.T.B. (Bachelor in Sacred Theology) and a complete transcript of Philosophy and Theology courses. Those who do not have the S.T.B. degree must bring full documentation of their theological studies (see belows, N.B.).
- Letter of presentation or recommendation. Clerics and religious: by the ecclesiastical superior; layperson: by an ecclesiastical authority or, if not from EU, by the bishop of the diocese of origin.
- Any documentation of course in Latin, Italian and English.
- A recent photograph, passport size (mm 35 x 45).
- High-resolution digital photo (if the photo sent is not adequate, the secretariat will make one for you when you register).
- Photocopy of that page from their passport on which is recorded their complete and legal name. Once the student has been granted the residence permit in Italy, a photocopy of this must be presented to the Secretariate of the Institute. The temporary tourist visa is not sufficient for admission to the Institute.
- Fees: The academic fees vary according to the number of credits (ECTS) of the courses taken by the student; 1 ECTS = Euro 60,00 (see «Academic Fees»). Student who takes both propaedeutic courses (15 ECTS for Greek + 15 ECTS for Hebrew) has to pay: 30 x 60 = 1800 €uro.
Those who take the qualifying examinations will enroll in the courses after having obtained the results of such exams.
N.B.: Students who do not have a baccalaureate degree in theology (but have done a six-year philosophico-theological curriculum in a seminary or in another duly approved higher institute [cfr. Sapientia Christiana, Ordinationes, art. 54]) may be enrolled as ordinari if their theological studies are recognized by the Dean of the Biblical Faculty as equivalent to the curriculum required for that degree. Whoever wishes to request this recognition is required to present a complete transcript for the courses and corresponding grades in both philosophy and theology.
After the meeting with the Secretary, the new students for the Licentiate in Sacred Scripture must also meet with the Dean of the Biblical Faculty, Fr. Henry Pattarumadathil, S.J. The modality of the meeting will be indicated by the Secretary.